Re: microchips/wafer microphotography
1 hour ago

Mawyatt. works for a company that makes the chips he photographs. forget about matching his work ,his studio equip is worth around 100k and he shoots 3d revolving extreme macros 😊 30,000 images

if your starting out go the amscope 4x but you will have to make a micro lens hood for it to get the best performance. also forget about raynox and all the other ad ons , jus shoot the amscope with a 160mm tube or get a helicoil extendable tube that you can adjust the tube length and magnification without constantly swapping tubes. if your going to give 10x a try go middle of the road olympus LWD 10x with 12mm working distance . have fun and will need plenty of patients and a good knowedge of building gear. 🤔