Re: Point sampling vs good AA filtering
1 hour ago

Atta-Boy wrote:

Tom Axford wrote:

Atta-Boy wrote:

Tom Axford wrote:

Atta-Boy wrote:

Tom Axford wrote:I really don't like the idea of false detail.

talking about input raw before your work or finished product after your work ?

I was talking about the raw image data.

then how raw image data can be false ? excluding an application of some really strong NR - you are not saying that a sensel invents something on its own beyond some schematics operation related sources of noise ?

It is all to do with the mathematics of aliasing.

It is exactly the same effect that causes wagon wheels (or any other rotating object) to appear to go backwards in some videos. The wheel is not actually going backwards, but aliasing causes it to appear to do so.

that is false details in your brain, not in raw data

Regarding the wagon wheels, the data is ambiguous. The rotation of the wheel spokes between samples is compatible with both forward notion and backwards motion. We presumably see the motion that best explains the rotation of the spokes, probable based on shortest motion between samples.

Best regards


Erik Kaffehr
Magic tends to disappear in controlled experiments…